Monday, March 1, 2010

Who I Am

I just wrote a new song, and I'm really proud of it. So I thought I'd share it with y'all... though you can't hear it. If you want to hear it, email me, and I'll send you the REALLY rough demo mp3. Otherwise, here are the words:

Who I Am
(C) 2010 Leah Joy Stegman

I wanna see the sunrise
Dance in a storm
Drive a motorcycle
Break all the norms
Get a tattoo
Fall in love
Run through a waterfall
And chase the sun

This is who I am
This is who I am
Reckless and unstable
This is who I am
Wild, wild and free
You can't change me

I wanna ride bareback
Sleep under the stars
Travel the world
And fall into your arms
Swim in the ocean
Follow the tide
Grow old gracefully
With you by my side

This is who I am
This is who I am
Reckless and unstable
This is who I am
Wild, wild and free
You can't change me

You can keep your 9-5s
Your highways and your malls
Let me have my freedom
Or nothing at all

This is who I am
This is who I am
Reckless and unstable
This is who I am
Wild, wild and free
You can't change me


Anyway, I really like it, plus I used a bVI chord (yeah Theory!) so it sounds really cool. (There's also a secondary dominant seventh chord in the chorus.)

And that's all for now, folks.

Love and dorkiness,


  1. These words have now changed. The last line of the chorus is now "This is who I'll always be" instead of "You can't change me".

  2. Love it! Can't wait to hear you perform it!!

  3. Leah, those are amazing lyrics! They make me happy. :)

  4. Lovely! I can't wait to hear it!!! :D
    and I LOVE bVI chords. They sound good next to bVII chords too...:D
    love you!
