Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Boston, Erik Satie, Profanity, etc...

This weekend, we're taking a group trip to Boston. I'm very excited. I've never been to Boston. Shoot, the only big cities I've been to are Chicago and Toronto. (Ok, and Charlotte and Detroit, but they're not really that big.) Anyway, it should be really fun. And I'll probably sleep really well on a hotel bed. Mm, that sounds good.

Also, here is a funny article from Erik Satie (the twentieth-century composer). He was making fun of artists who feel like they have to be ... well, different.

A Day in The Life of a Musician

"An artist must regulate his life.

Here is a time-table of my daily acts. I rise at 7.18; am inspired from 10.23 to 11.47. I lunch at 12.11 and leave the table at 12.14. A healthy ride on horse-back round my domain follows from 1.19 pm to 2.53 pm. Another bout of inspiration from 3.12 to 4.7 pm. From 5 to 6.47 pm various occupations (fencing, reflection, immobility, visits, contemplation, dexterity, natation, etc.)

Dinner is served at 7.16 and finished at 7.20 pm. From 8.9 to 9.59 pm symphonic readings (out loud). I go to bed regularly at 10.37 pm. Once a week (on Tuesdays) I awake with a start at 3.14 am.

My only nourishment consists of food that is white: eggs, sugar, shredded bones, the fat of dead animals, veal, salt, coco-nuts, chicken cooked in white water, mouldy fruit, rice, turnips, sausages in camphor, pastry, cheese (white varieties), cotton salad, and certain kinds of fish (without their skin). I boil my wine and drink it cold mixed with the juice of the Fuschia. I have a good appetite but never talk when eating for fear of strangling myself.

I breathe carefully (a little at a time) and dance very rarely. When walking I hold my ribs and look steadily behind me.

My expression is very serious; when I laugh it is unintentional, and I always apologise very politely.

I sleep with only one eye closed, very profoundly. My bed is round with a hole in it for my head to go through. Every hour a servant takes my temperature and gives me another. "


I just really like that.

Lately, I've been listening to Kate Nash. Her music is really cool. It bothers me that she uses profanity so much. That's actually been the hardest thing here at the CMC. So many people are so comfortable with swearing. I always end up talking like the people around me, so I've had to be really careful and really start watching what I say. I think cursing can be okay sometimes - to make a point, to add emphasis... occasionally for humor. But just putting it in everywhere? What makes us different as Christians? What sets us apart? If we sound just like everyone else... well, I don't think people are really going to notice that we're different. We don't need to be priggish about it and shun everyone who curses - that's not helpful at all. But we can just refrain from using those words. It's not that hard.

Anyway, I like Kate Nash, and I'm doing a cover of her song "Pumpkin Soup" for our next show. I'm also doing a cover of "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heap. Look them up if you aren't familiar with them and want to be.

I think that's about it for now.

Love and Less-Complicated Chord Progressions,

1 comment:

  1. You're singing 'Hide and Seek'? I love that song...I thought about writing an arrangement of it for a vocal quartet.

    I like what you said about profanity...sometimes people make a point of swearing and then say "don't judge me", or "I'm free to say whatever I want"...but we ARE setting an example to those around us and people ARE watching. Freedom of speech is one thing, but our Christianity sets the standard higher. :)
    (Not that it's easy - I tend to talk like people around me too.)

    I love you and miss you.
