Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cinnamon-Sugar (Doughnut) Muffins

I found this recipe on Pinterest a while ago. Recently, we were having some friends over for dinner and Caleb asked me to make a dessert. Looking around the kitchen, I realized we were out of chocolate chips, which negated any of my usual quick picks. I decided to check out my Pinterest desserts board and find something. I was left with two options that weren't completely ridiculous, and both of them were cinnamon-sugar muffins. I chose this one because the other required cornstarch or something else we didn't have.

And I am so glad.

These seriously taste like doughnuts.

How can they not when you dip them in melted butter and then cinnamon-sugar? :)

Love and Doughnuts Muffins,
Leah Joy

P.S. I forgot to mention that mine turned out much darker once the cinnamon-sugar was on them because I may have put it on too thickly (no such thing). I also had to make more cinnamon-sugar and melt more butter. They were still delicious.

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